Saturday, May 2, 2020

My Diary - 2nd May 2020

During the early ’80s in the month of December, a little angel was born to Mr. Om and Mrs. Anmol. Yeah, the tragedy started even before her birth. She was born in the Anand valley of Nepal, far away from “city” in a small village called “Dharapani'', born at home with the help of ‘ASHA’. On the day of her birth, everyone was rejoicing with happiness except her grandmother who wanted a baby boy. The reason behind that was “ Boys carry forward the name of their family”

Mr. Om was in defence in the “India Army”,  so he was not with them during that moment to support them.  So on the day of her(Baby) birth, Mr. Anmol was treated very badly by her mother-in-law, they were just isolated in one room with no care and no adequate food. Mrs. Anmol was yelling and crying with no help around. Since during those days there was not much access to mobile phones and there was no telephone facility in their village, she could neither call her husband nor her own parents. It was a cold winter they were not provided with enough blankets to drape themselves and had to adjust the way with whatever they had.

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